Posts Tagged ‘design’

Fashion Design for Cuffs : Fashion Design for French Cuff Shirts

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

French cuff shirts have cuffs that flip up and clip together and can be made in fashion to contrast with the rest of the shirt. Learn how to draw French cuffs for fashion design from a pro designer in this free fashion illustration video.

Duration : 0:1:8


How to Create a Professional Wardrobe for Men : Shirt Design & Color: Professional Wardrobe for Men

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

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Men’s Shirt Design

Learn about men’s shirt design and color when developing a professional wardrobe with expert dressing tips in this free men’s fashion video clip.

Expert: Jamie Yasko-Mangum Contact: Bio: Jamie Yasko-Mangum is a certified image consultant based in Orladand, and she is recognized by the ociation of Image Consultants International. Filmmaker: Madison Paige

Duration : 0:2:19
