I am 13, don’t have much money, I have a good collection of formal clothes such as suits, french cuff shirts, and even a tux, but no real “cool” clothes. I have trouble buying shirts with logos on them, and knowing how to choose clothes. Help?
Wear what you have and wear it in style. Have no shame that you are not wearing what everyone else is. Who wants to do that anyways?
Tags: french cuff shirts
dont buy shirts with logos on them there tacky … unnless there sporting something that isnt too tacky.
something like a cartoon or tv show ill be stupid.
+ a type of outfit that i think would look good on a guy is skinny jeans and a hot shirt .. [but thats just me .. i like guys in skinny jeans.]
but dress how you wanna dress 🙂
dont wear something you wouldnt wanna wear.
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Wear what you have and wear it in style. Have no shame that you are not wearing what everyone else is. Who wants to do that anyways?
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If I were you I would stay away from logo shirts because they look cheap and kind of tacky. Sweaters and polos and hoodies are fine. Even plain colored t-shirts look better than logo ones. I love in the winter when guys wear scarves. I think they’re pretty cool. So if that fits into your style go for it.
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buy aeropostale. there only $20 a shirt.
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well since you dont have alot of money you could go to aeropostale, or the clearance rack at hollister or abercrombie. American Eagle has some good sales. But skinny legs look good on boys. And Pacsun has nice shirts and pants.
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now’s a great time to hit stores like hollister and abercrombie for their winter clearance sales . anything you get there will be considered cool . plain jeans are always a good start , then add a logo tee from aeropostale , abercrombie , hollister , ruehl , american eagle ….
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Platos Closet
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Don’t buy shirts with logo’s on them. They can be kinda tacky. And if you want the chicks to dig you, dress classy.
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The Screen Actor’s Guild