Wholesale clothing appeals to most everyone. The idea of purchasing clothing at the lowest possible wholesale prices means that we can buy twice as much. Well it really doesn’t work that way. Buying clothing wholesale is reserved for merchants with vendor’s licenses. Now you may think that you are buying womens clothing wholesale or childrens clothing wholesale because of the advertising put before you, but it is really not.
Factory outlet malls give you the impression that you are purchasing products directly from the factory at wholesale prices. Wholesale clothing manufactures do indeed have factory outlet stores, but they are not selling merchandise at wholesale prices. After all they are renting premium store space and paying a sales staff to sell the products. This cost is added to the wholesale cost. You may be able to buy merchandise cheaper at a factory outlet mall, but you are not buying it wholesale.
Another myth is the wholesale clubs. You may think that these clubs sell wholesale groceries or wholesale club clothing, but that is not so. Here again, they have the same expenses as a retail store. There are advertising expenses, sales staff, building, insurance, and utility expenses that all have to be added to the prices. Granted that because you are buying in bulk, you can save lots of money, but you are not buying wholesale.
To purchase wholesale mens clothing, wholesale girls clothing, or wholesale dog clothing, you have to buy in quantity and you need a vendors license. Merchants that sell at flea markets sell their products at low prices because they have a license, buy in large quantities, and have little overhead expenses. Entrepreneurs who sell on Ebay or other such online auction sites have acquired their products the same way.
Wholesale clothing is purchased directly from the factory or a jobber in large quantities so that the purchaser, or what we call the retailer, can sell it in smaller quantities, at higher prices, thus reaping a profit. That’s what makes the world go around.
So the next time you see a sign saying wholesale designer clothing, or wholesale fashion clothing, in a retail establishment, don’t let them fool you. They are making a profit on these clothes that they bought at wholesale prices.
Kathleen Justing
Tags: clothing, designer, mens, wholesale, wholesale clothing
I know this website where you can try, it's
Their styles gets updated weekly, with their branded clothings, you do need to buy 5 pcs per order to get their wholesale price. The good thing is that they don't have to be the same dress, you can mix 5 different dresses to get the quota. I usually share with friends to match quota.
References :
Wholesale Clothing?
I read a post from a forum where someone said that they bought name brand clothing from an online wholesale company but they did not have to buy the clothes in bulk…they were able to individually buy what they wanted. Does anyone know of a wholesale site that does this? Allows people to individually buy shirts pants etc not in bulk. Thanks for any help